Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blogging with my students

I teach 6th grade science.  The county that I teach in loves for us to use technology but the hops you have to jump thought to be able to use the technology makes it very hard.  Once taking a on-line class and getting parent permission you can use ONE blogging site with students.  I have recently just started using the site this year with my students.  Right now I have one assignment that students completed on-line, and  I am currently adding a discussion question or two for students to respond to.  However first I have to discuss with students (again) that the class blog is not a Facebook or Twitter account.   


  1. I find it interesting that so much has to be done before teachers can share technology with their students. Do you think this is to discourage use, or do you think your county wants to ensure that everyone is responsible and ready before presenting technology to students? Do you find that many teachers would rather not be bothered, or do most teachers do as you have done and move forward to allow students to use technology? What Web 2.0 applications have you used? We have spent a lot of time using EduGlogster and Go Animate as resources.

  2. I think part of it is to make sure students are safe. The county has so many firewalls and other items on the computer to all make sure students stay safe. To limit the sites where teachers can use blogs in the classroom the county knows the site is safe for students. Sometimes it does discourage others from using it because of all the hoops you have to jump thought.
